
We Tell You The Tooth About Dentistry

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We Tell You The Tooth About Dentistry

What's the best way to brush your teeth? Do you really need to have cavities filled? Is fluoride good for you? Surely, you've had questions like this come to mind before, and you may not have known where to seek the answers. Well, we are here to present two options. You can read the articles on this blog, or you can ask your dentist. We have provided plenty of helpful information here, so we're confident you will find answers as you begin to dig into our content. And if you have any lingering concerns after you're done reading, give your dentist a call.


5 Reasons to See a Dentist for Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums can be a sign of several dental issues, including gingivitis, periodontitis, and even some underlying systemic diseases. If you notice blood every time you brush or floss, you should book an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. Here are five reasons why it is crucial to see a dentist if you have bleeding gums.

Detecting Gum Disease Early

Bleeding gums may indicate the early stages of gum disease, known as gingivitis. Typical signs of gingivitis include gums that are red, swollen, and bleed easily. If left untreated, gingivitis can potentially lead to periodontitis, leading to bone and even tooth loss. It's important to consult your dentist, who can detect gum disease early on, develop a personalized treatment plan, and halt the progression of the disease.

Identifying Hidden Cavities

Some deep cavities could cause your gums to bleed. When a cavity extends close to the gum line, it can cause bleeding, even with normal brushing and flossing. A dentist can identify these cavities and treat them before they turn into more severe decay that may require more extensive treatments, such as root canals or extractions.

Oral Cancer Screening

Bleeding gums could also be the result of oral cancer. While this is not extremely common, it is recommended that everyone get screened for oral cancer during routine dental visits. A dentist will look at your mouth, gums, and throat for signs of oral cancer, such as lesions or white patches.

Removing Tartar Buildup

Tartar is the hardened plaque that sticks to the teeth and below the gum line, leading to gum disease. Regular brushing and flossing are essential to get rid of plaque, but tartar can't be removed at home. A dentist or dental hygienist has the necessary tools to remove tartar and deep clean your gum line, reducing inflammation and bleeding.

Improving Overall Health

Bleeding gums could be an indication of relatively severe underlying systemic issues. Such diseases include diabetes, heart disease, and autoimmune conditions that require immediate medical attention. By visiting your dentist, you will not only maintain your oral health but also potentially improve your overall health.

Bleeding gums are one symptom you should never ignore. The longer you wait, the more severe the dental issue could become. Seeing a dentist can help you identify the underlying cause of your bleeding gums and recommend appropriate treatment plans. Remember, prevention is always the best cure, so schedule that routine visit with a dentist today!